Project Description

Contract name: TEVTA Punjab Microsoft IT (Imagine) Academies and Microsoft Vouchers for MOS Certification and Training

Status : Completed 100%

Name of Customer: TEVTA PUNJAB, Pakistan

Address & Phone#: TEVTA Secretariat, 96-H Gulberg Road, Lahore

Contact Detail: 042-99263055-59

Starting Month / Year: Oct 2020

Ending Month / Year: Nov 2020

Brief Description of the Works performed:

  • 39 Microsoft Imagine Academy and Certiport Centre: Subscription period 1 Year for Imagine Academy and Certiport Testing Centre along with Installation and Activation
  • 5250 Microsoft Office Vouchers: Subscription period 1 Year from date of Supply

Training Related to Mos Certifications, Use of Imagine Academy and Certiport Testing Centre, its Activation and Registration provided to the nominated Personnel of TEVTA